Faculty of Law

2 Study Program

Faculty of Law

Faculty Profile

Faculty of Law



Vision of the Faculty

To become a leading law faculty and research center Breathing Development of Customary Law in Indonesia Hindu Religion and Local Wisdom of Balinese Culture

Mission of the Faculty

  1. Organizing law-based higher education customary law competency which refers to Tri Dharma Higher education that adheres to Hindu religious values ​​and Local Wisdom of Balinese Culture.
  2. Implement study program management by referring to national accreditation standards. Examining and developing Balinese Customary Law through education, learning, research, and service to Information and Communication Technology based society.
  3. Building the image of the study program as an educational institution high level and center for the study and development of Customary Law Bali is inspired by Hinduism and local cultural wisdom Bali.

Goals of the Faculty

  1. Producing religious, innovative and integrated graduates who have excellence and competitiveness in the field of Law based on sradha and bhakti.
  2. Increasing the capacity of study programs in providing access to services in the education sector to the community.
  3. Establishing cooperation in various fields related to customary law to improve the quality of the tri dharma of higher education.

Target of the Faculty

  1. Improving the quality of education through quality and innovative learning.
  2. Improving a learning system that is synergistic and has a global perspective.
  3. Improving legal education in order to produce quality graduates.
  4. Realizing the reputation of the Faculty of Law at the National Level

Organisation Structure

Struktur Organisasi

Study Program

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