Faculty of Information Technology and Science

2 Study Program

Faculty of Information Technology and Science

Faculty Profile

The Faculty of Information Technology and Science at Hindu University of Indonesia was established based on the Decree of MENDIKBUD RI No.75/D/O/1993 dated May 19, 1993. One of the considerations is the need to establish a special institution that handles basic sciences.  In addition, it is realized that development needs, especially in the field of culture and modern life, require strong basic sciences to support applied sciences including Hindu Religion and Culture.  Based on this, a Bachelor Program Strata 1 (S-1) was established, namely the Biology Study Program. The Biology Study Program was established in 1993 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. : 75/D/O/1993 with registered status. The permit for the implementation of the Biology Study Program was extended with permit No. : 1773/D/T/K-VIII/2010, and is currently accredited with a grade of B based on BAN PT Decree Number: 2377/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2018 dated August 27, 2018.


The Faculty of Information Technology and Science at Hindu University of Indonesia was established based on the Decree of MENDIKBUD RI No.75/D/O/1993 dated May 19, 1993. One of the considerations is the need to establish a special institution that handles basic sciences.  In addition, it is realized that development needs, especially in the field of culture and modern life, require strong basic sciences to support applied sciences including Hindu Religion and Culture.  Based on this, a Bachelor Program Strata 1 (S-1) was established, namely the Biology Study Program. The Biology Study Program was established in 1993 based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. : 75/D/O/1993 with registered status. The permit for the implementation of the Biology Study Program was extended with permit No. : 1773/D/T/K-VIII/2010, and is currently accredited with a grade of B based on BAN PT Decree Number: 2377/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VIII/2018 dated August 27, 2018.

Vision of the Faculty

Making the Faculty of FTIS UNHI as an institution in the development of science and technology to produce graduates who are professional and culturally minded.

Mission of the Faculty

  1. Developing the Tridharma of Higher Education in the field of quality basic sciences, superior and responsive and adaptive to regional and national development needs.
  2. Organizing the learning process based on national accreditation standards.
  3. Optimizing local wisdom in developing science and technology to support cultural development.

Goals of the Faculty

  1. Improving the quality of education, research and community service on an ongoing basis in accordance with national accreditation standards and following development needs.
  2. Producing graduates who are independent, professional, and have scientific ethics and are able to play an active role in solving national development problems so that they can compete at the national level.
  3. To become a center for the study of science and technology in supporting cultural development.

Target of the Faculty

  1. Implementation of Faculty management systems and procedures in accordance with national accreditation standards.
  2. Implementation of the Faculty curriculum in accordance with the demands of educational development.
  3. Increased products of academic work and community service that meet national and international scientific standards.
  4. Increased number of graduates who are accepted to work in the job market.

Organisation Structure

Struktur Organisasi

Study Program

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