Faculty of Culture, Arts and Religion

3 Study Program

Faculty of Culture, Arts and Religion

Faculty Profile

Faculty of Religion, Indonesian Hindu University

The existence of the Faculty of Religious Sciences cannot be separated from the history of the Indonesian Hindu University Denpasar, namely the stages of its existence, as described below:

There is a spirit with a far-sighted vision in the context of its time and driven by noble desires and realizing the lack of development of Hindus in the past, on Friday Pahing Wara Sinta, the 9th sasih of the 5th year of Caka 1883 or on November 17 1961 the Hindu religious leaders in Indonesia, especially in Bali, a meeting called "Dharmacrama" was held at Campuhan Ubud, Gianyar Regency, Bali. The dharmacrama, which was attended by the sulinggih (priests) and the "Walaka" (non-Sulinggih community leaders) lasted until Thursday Pon Wara Landep, which also coincided with the 5th Sasih Full Moon Day or November 23, 1961.

Dharmasrama which was initiated by the Hindu Religious Council, Parisada Hindu Dharma (at that time it was called Parisada Hindu Bali) established several decisions which later became better known as the "Ubud Campuhan Charter". In part A, point II of the charter stipulates, among other things, "from now on we intend to build/establish a pangadyayan dormitory (Religious College) as a place to study the Dharma".

Point II of the Ubud Campuhan Charter is the starting point or milestone in the history of the establishment of a Hindu Religious College with the name "Maha Widya Bhawana or Hindu Dharma Institute" (IHD). The lofty ideals of Parisada Hindu Dharma could be realized two years later, namely on October 3 1963, which also coincided with the Purnama Kartika day (4th Purnama Sasih). On this historic day, the first Hindu Religious Higher Education Institution was born on the Indonesian archipelago.

In accordance with the deed of establishment of the Hindu Dharma Institute, namely Deed No. 77 dated 7 March 1964 acting as the founders of this higher education institution were Mr. I Gusti Bagus Oka and Mr. Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra. The Chancellor, who is also called Dharmadyaksa, was first entrusted to Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Rai (deceased), a doctor, writer and clergyman served from 3 October 1963 until 1986. The second chancellor was entrusted to Mr. Dr. Ida Bagus Oka is a lung expert who served from 1986 to 1976.

Because regulations do not allow it, Dr. Ida Bagus Oka was replaced by a temporary official, namely Drs. I Gusti Agung Gede Putra (deceased). Since June 6 1978, at Parisada's request, the Commander of the XVI/Udayana Military Region assigned a middle officer to the XVI/Udayana Regional Military Command, Mr. Lt. Col. CPM Prof. Ida Bagus Suanda Wesnawa, SH (deceased) until 1993.

At the beginning of its establishment, IHD only managed two faculties, namely the Faculty of Religion and Culture and the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Biology Department. The opening of these two faculties was in accordance with the desires and aspirations that were developing at that time. Religion and culture are two aspects that are quite important to preserve and develop so that they will be able to show their participation in the national development arena. Meanwhile, the opening of the Teacher Training and Education faculty, especially the Biology department, is intended to ensure that the meaning of the book Usada (Traditional Medicine) is further explored and can be disseminated widely in society.

In this initial development, public interest in IHD was also reflected, in fact, quantitatively there were not too many students, only dozens, but this did not cause IHD to lose enthusiasm in the educational arena. In fact, the opposite happened, with the number of students being dozens and it turned out that they were students who really wanted to learn about Hinduism, causing IHD to be increasingly hoped for as a Hindu Educational Institution, which could later produce instructors or a place for people to ask questions in the religious field. The presence of IHD is increasingly being felt and recognized by the wider community.

From the end of the seventies to the early eighties, public interest in studying science increased, this caused IHD administrators to start considering opening new faculties or modifying existing faculties. For this reason, several more faculties were opened to accommodate various aspirations developing in society. In the end, IHD has four faculties each: the Faculty of Religious Sciences, the Faculty of Religious Education, the Faculty of Religious Law, and the Faculty of Literature and Philosophy of Religion. With these four faculties, IHD is increasingly known as a Hindu religion-based higher education manager. thousands of Hindu religious scholars from various fields of science such as religion and culture, religious education, religious law, literature and religious philosophy have been produced. IHD has succeeded in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education successfully, both in the fields of teaching, research and community service.

However, after 30 years of existence, IHD, which was the only Hindu Religious Higher Education Institution in Indonesia, had not yet been able to fully produce scholars who were able to respond to the very rapid changes and challenges of the times at that time. Because historically, the birth of IHD was directed to respond to the changes and challenges of the times at that time, and its birth focused on deepening religious teachings. So that IHD graduates cannot compete in the labor market with graduates from other universities. This has resulted in many IHD graduates becoming unemployed. This fact then has the impact of decreasing interest in high school graduates entering IHD. In fact, there were almost no students for the last three years (1990-1993). Furthermore, in line with the closure of the Teacher Education School (SPG) and Hindu Religious Teacher Education (PGAH), IHD experienced a drastic decline in the number of students because SPG and PGAH were the two high schools whose enthusiasm for IHD was the highest if they continued to higher education.

It should be realized that it will be difficult for higher education administrators if there are very few students being coached. The idea of ​​developing oneself more openly and being able to accommodate more varied aspirations began to emerge. In the national context, development is carried out within the framework of the complete development of Indonesian people and the development of all Indonesian society. In this process, all levels of society, including Hindus, must actively participate in planning and implementation. Efforts to master science, technology and special skills are absolutely necessary without conflicting with the values ​​of Hinduism. Seeing this, and also seeing the background of the founding of IHD which was solely driven by noble desires and a lack of guidance for Hindus in the past, it is appropriate to change its form to become a Hindu University which is adapted to the development of science and the increasingly complex challenges of today. 

With the issuance of Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia No. 75/D/O/1993 dated 19 May 1993, the Indonesian Hindu University (UNHI) was officially established in the city of Denpasar. This university was born as a change in form from the Hindu Dharma Institute (IHD), as a result of the interest of Hindu youths to enter as IHD students (subject to study of Hinduism) has decreased over time. Apart from that, the decision letter from the Government to uphold IHD has never arrived. If this is allowed to drag on, it is feared that IHD will close as a result of the lack of interested students (students) who enter this university. Therefore, at the initiative of the Parisada board, the Widya Kerthi Education Foundation board and several figures who care about Hindu Religious Education, such as Mr. Prof. Ida Bagus Mantra (deceased), Mr. Prof. dr. I Gusti Putu Adnyana (Rector of UNUD at that time) and other figures transformed IHD into a university with the aim of being able to accommodate young people who were interested in non-Hindu religious studies, especially in the fields of Economics, Engineering, MIPA, Religious Studies in a University.

As Chancellor of UNHI, Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Nala, MPH, a doctor, usada expert and clergyman, served from 3 June 1993 to 2 October 2001. And the next Chancellor was entrusted to Prof. Dr. I Gusti Ngurah Gorda, MS. MM, a professional, economist and served from 2 October 2001 to 17 October 2003, then as PLH Chancellor was appointed Drs. Ida Bagus Dharmika, MA (PR I) and since January 10 2004 the position of Chancellor has been entrusted to Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Gunadha, M.Sc., until January 10 2006, then from January 10 2006 the position of Chancellor was entrusted to Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Gede Yudha Triguna, MS., DR Ida Bagus Dharmika; and Prof. Damriyasa.

Indonesian Hindu University with five faculties is increasingly showing its existence in implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. The faculties under UNHI are: Faculty of Religion, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Health and Postgraduate.



Vision of the Faculty

Making the Faculty of Excellence in Indonesia a Center for the Study and Development of Hindu Religion, Philosophy and Culture

Mission of the Faculty

  1. Developing academic quality in the field of Hindu religion and culture through learning processes and religious practices;
  2. Doing research in the field of religion,
  3. Forming professional human resources in accordance with community needs.

Goals of the Faculty

Preparing students to become members of society who have abilities, academic and/or professional who can develop, create and apply technological knowledge based on Indonesian Hindu Religion and Culture

Target of the Faculty

Developing and disseminating knowledge, technology and/or Hindu culture and seeking its use to improve people's lives and enrich national culture

Organisation Structure

Struktur Organisasi

Study Program

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